Our School
The Tap Pups Story
Dein Perry is the creator and choreographer of Tap Dogs, a hugely successful tap show which has toured all over the world, won numerous awards and is one of Australia’s most successful theatrical exports.
(Learn more about Dein Perry’s Tap Dogs here.)
In 1997 Dein and Lisa Perry had their son Reid. Five years later, despite Lisa doing her best to keep him away from those particular shoes, Reid was mesmerised by the Dogs and begging his Dad to teach him how to Tap. A somewhat reluctantly Dein relented and agreed to teach Reid and a few of his sporting mates a few Tap steps; and there in a local hall in Randwick Tap Pups were born. It was a far cry from the huge venues Tap Dogs had been playing but the passion was the same and the kids loved it from the start. This was a “boys only” group, spirited, loud and fun – in the spirit of the Dogs before them.
This tiny class has grown simply from word of mouth as more friends and brothers wanted to join in and a number of classes were needed to fulfil the requests. The demand continues still and has now led to the Perry’s finally deciding that a Tap Dogs HQ is needed to cater for the Tap Pups crew and finally for the girls who will now get to have their own Tap place in the Dogs world.
The kids of the Eastern Suburbs are fortunate enough to have a leading Tap exponent in their midst who is happy to work with them and pass on these skills. Tap Dogs HQ is simply a place where kids can learn to dance in a casual, friendly, low-key environment. The Tap Pups classes will improve fitness, co-ordination, rhythm and are energetic and joyful. There is no exams or eisteddfods involved – just great classes with a friendly compassionate team who are successful in this field and passionate about what they do.
Tap Pups have become their own phenomenon and are often asked to make TV and live appearances. The Pups have been on the Today Show, The 7.30 Report, Carols in the Domain, Sydney Tap Festival, Light The Way Dance Convention and So You Think You Can Dance (see the SYTYCD link for this performance). We also try to make as many charity appearances as possible to aid the community. Please note that any appearances of this nature are totally voluntary and only students who are keen to perform will be suggested as participants but if they are interested they will certainly be considered to get out there and show people what they have learnt.
In class students wear totally comfortable and casual clothing – there is no uniform and we aim to keep the price of the classes reasonable. This venture began in a very organic way and it would be great to keep it that way as much as possible. We will also be providing a recycled shoe service given little feet grow out of these shoes very quickly and they are often used for such a short time.
Click here to find out more about classes, times and locations.
– Dein Perry Productions