This is not just tap. Experience high voltage, rugged, raw talent in the tap dance phenomenon which has taken the world by storm.

Tap Pups have become their own phenomenon and are often asked to make TV and live appearances. The Pups have been on the Today Show, The 7.30 Report, Carols in the Domain, Sydney Tap Festival, Light the Way Dance Convention and So You Think You Can Dance (see the SYTYCD link for this performance). We also try to make as many charity appearances as possible to aid the community.



The foundation of Tap Dogs HQ. World class Tap, the Dein Perry way; for Tap Pups boys, girls and adults, from Beginners to Advanced. Our highly individualised instruction results in rapid skill development and superior technique.

Child Classes

See Timetable

Adult Classes

See Timetable

Learn to dance and become a Tap Pup!

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Featured Performances

V8 Supercars

Carols in the Domain

World Masters Games

Hunter Valley Gardens

The Spot Festival

V8 Supercars Awards Night 2012

Our School


In 1997 Dein and Lisa Perry had their son Reid. Five years later, despite Lisa doing her best to keep him away from those particular shoes, Reid was mesmerised by the Dogs and begging his Dad to teach him how to Tap. A somewhat reluctantly Dein relented and agreed to teach Reid and a few of his sporting mates a few Tap steps; and there in a local hall in Randwick Tap Pups were born. It was a far cry from the huge venues Tap Dogs had been playing but the passion was the same and the kids loved it from the start. This was a “boys only” group, spirited, loud and fun – in the spirit of the Dogs before them.


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